20674 Смарт-кольцо, делаем сами

Смарт-кольцо, делаем сами

❤ 789 , Категория: Гаджеты,   ⚑ 02 Мар 2016г

Смарт-кольцо, делаем сами

Не такое красивое и эстетичное, как от именитых производителей электроники, но зато своими руками, энтузиаст собрал смарт-кольцо, отображающее на дисплее дату, время, температуру воздуха и заряд. Воспользовавшись 3D-принтером, микроконтроллером ATtiny85, миниатюрным OLED-дисплеем и дополнительными доступными компонентами, автор собрал устройство, которое по его собственным заверениям проработает до полугода на одном заряде.

ATtiny85 Ring Watch

Base on the previous Instructables — ATtiny Watch Core and more, I have made a real gadget, an ATtiny85 Ring Watch.



Today core subject, ATtiny85. Someone suggest me to use SOIC version to reduce the watch size and I found the coin cell mAh calculation method will count the battery voltage down to 2.0 V, so this watch require a low voltage version MCU to keep it stable. So I have ordered an ATTINY85V-10SU. (much expensive $_$)


Any ISP that can program ATtiny85, this time I am using a Digispark act as a littleWire. (http://digistump.com/board/index.php/topic,160.0.h…)

In order to meet the ring size, I choose CR1220, I expect it can last over half an year.


(Quote from previous project) Since the number of IO pins of ATtiny85 is very limited, I design display and further modules should all run in I2C. Power consumption and source availability are also important factors. I choose an OLED screen drive with SSD1306. It can find in 4 different sizes, 64×32 is the smallest one. (another sizes are 128×64, 128×32 and 64×48)

 Quote from previous project) It should be more stylish if make it by wood, but I am lazy one, so just print it out.

Transparent Cover

(Quote from previous project) A small piece of transparent PET plastic plate. It is transparent, provide enough support and very easy to get from many product packing.
Other Parts

  • A SOIC ISP clip for program ATTINY85V-10SU
  • 3 pieces of M2 screws
  • 3 buttons
  • 2 various resistors (more than 1k)
  • coated copper wires
  • thin mental plate for making a tailor-made battery holder
  • a SOP8 to DIP8 board
  • a little piece of multipurpose PC board for building button panel
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  • как сделать умное кольцо

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