20733 Revogi Smart Bluetooth LED Bulb

Revogi Smart Bluetooth LED Bulb

❤ 761 , Категория: Статьи,   ⚑ 03 Мар 2016г

Revogi Smart Bluetooth LED Bulb

Today’s Geeky Gadgets Deal is a Revogi Smart Bluetooth LED Bulb with 33% off, it is compatible with a wide range of Bluetooth 4.0 devices and Android 4.3 and above and iOS 6 and above.

The Revogi Smart Bluetooth LED Bulb normally retails for $45 and we have it available for $29.99 in our deals store. With a Revogi lightbulb and a smartphone, you can change the mood of any room with just a few taps. The Revogi smartbulb and app system gives you complete control over the color and brightness of your lights, even allowing you to set smart-timers.


  • Control all aspects of your lights from an easy-to-use app
  • Choose from 16 million color options
  • Easily control the brightness of your lights
  • Set smart-timers
  • Control up to 10 bulbs from the app
  • Enjoy preset ‘scenes’
  • Use 90% less energy than w/ traditional bulbs

You can now get the Revogi Smart Bluetooth LED Bulb for $29.99 with Geeky Gadgets Deals, more details at the link below.

Читайте также:  Свободо подключить беспроводные наушники к аналоговому выходу, Bluetooth-трансмиттеры

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